Angela Mastronardi

I hold a bachelor degree as Neurophysiological Technician (2010); Certified Yoga teacher (2014); founder of Manawa Ora Neuro Breath Consultancy (2022), serving people with yoga classes and courses on the link between breath & nervous system.
My journey with yoga started back in 2005. During these years, I shared yoga with little ones on several occasions and settings, from one-on-one to groups.
I am passionate about yoga and the whole nervous system, and holistic ways to approach health.


An understandable overlook with a neurophysiological approach on how Conscious Breathing can activate the self-healing mechanisms of the body, helping and supporting the improvement of health and well-being. An eye-opening experience on how we can rewire our neurological pathways to build resilience. The workshop offers a theoretical part, followed by a practical session with effective breathing exercises to activate the best autonomic nervous system response desired.


The workshop starts exploring what is the breath and act of breathing. With this new understanding in our kete, we then flow in a fun sequence of easy dynamic asanas that mimic the world of animals, nature, things and actions. Partner yoga included. The practise ends with a brief relaxation listening to the sound of the Tibetan Singing Bowl.
The class is playful, and Angela’s tender and joyful nature allows the children to relax and enjoy a fun engaging experience that holds simple, deep and beautiful yogic knowledge and practice.
For children from 3 to 10 years old (younger children will need to have a parent with them).
Length is 40 to 60 minutes.